Sunday, January 3, 2010

In an interesting role reversal on copyright theft…

A Chinese novelist is suing Google for copyright infringement. I am absolutely the first writer to defend an author’s right to copyright his work. Being in both the publishing and the writing world, I work very hard to ensure that the businesses I work for don’t infringe on anyone’s copyright. I also protect my own pretty fiercely.  Personally, I hope she beats Google.  What I find interesting here is both our governments' takes on copyright infringement involving other countries. 

According to an article at the blog Writers Write,

The Financial Times reports that Google is being sued by a Chinese author whose book was scanned by the search giant as part of its global digitization process. The novelist has sued Google in a Chinese court on the grounds of copyright infringement.

The case, the first brought against Google by a Chinese writer, underlines the risks that remain to Google's plan to build a digital library which could lay the groundwork for an "iTunes of books" and potentially transform the publishing industry.

What I find so interesting about this is that Chinese people have long infringed on American authors’ and movie-makers’ copyrights and we are hard pressed to fight back with any measurable success. The American government, of course, would take her claims much more seriously than the Chinese government takes our infringement complaints.

Nevertheless, I digress. Feel free to digress too.

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