Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nook Review

This year, I got a Barnes and Noble Nook for Mother’s Day. I had been looking at the various digital reading devices for a while, so I was thrilled to get the Nook. I take many trips each year so it made sense to me to have some kind of portable reading device. One of my grips about traveling is bringing along several very heavy books on every trip. Additionally, I find myself waiting for my daughter for various appointments and pick-ups, where I like to read as I wait for her.
The Nook was easy enough to set up. There was really nothing to do, except plug it in to charge. It came with a computer charger (USB port) and a wall charger. Once plugged in, you can sign in at the Barnes and Noble Web site (www.barnesandnoble.com), get an account through them with your credit card, and start adding ebooks (electronic books). This was easy enough too. I have the 3G wifi one, which makes it really simple to add ebooks. If you are somewhere with a wifi signal as in most airports and some restaurants and coffee shops these days, you can add ebooks while you sit there.

One feature I enjoy is “Free Fridays”. Every Friday, you get a notification telling you which free ebook is available. I have read some interesting things that I never would have chosen otherwise. There is a wide range of free digitized books from Google too. That is the best feature to me. Additionally, you can read anything in your ebook library on your computer, once you download Barnes and Noble’s program.

There are a few things I dislike about the device. The Nook does force you to spend your money in one place. Sometimes the ebook costs more than the paperback. One of the reasons I wanted this device was that ebooks were supposed to be cheaper. The Nook can also be buggy and freeze up. Lastly, there’s no light to read in the dark. That’s pretty annoying but I did go on-line and bought a non-Nook car charger and a reading light.

Overall, I like this device. It’s lightweight, easy to travel with, simple to add ebooks and plenty of other nice features.

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